AFRI-CIRD has received special invitation to attend the Nigerian Dairy Development Program (NDDP)’s Gender and Nutrition Stakeholder’s meeting holding on Thursday, May 24th, 2018 at 10:00 am at the Grand Central Hotel in Kano.
NDDP is being implemented by Sahel Consulting Agriculture and Nutrition Ltd. in partnership with leading dairy processors; Friesland Campina WAMCO in Oyo State and L&Z Integrated Farms in Kano State. The program seeks to enhance the livelihoods of participating dairy farmers in Nigeria by improving the productivity of their cattle and integrating them into the formal dairy value chain. The program also has a gender and nutrition component geared towards improving nutrition outcomes and promoting women empowerment in smallholder dairy communities.
Sahel recently commissioned a systematic gender and nutrition study in the focus states that examined the cultural beliefs, knowledge, attitudes, practices and challenges that influence women empowerment and the nutritional status of smallholder dairy farmers.
Sahel is convening a stakeholder meeting to share key findings and recommendations from both studies. Key objectives for the meeting include:
• To raise awareness on gender and nutrition opportunities and challenges in the dairy sector
• To engage key actors across the public, private and social sectors for feedback around proposed interventions aimed at improving gender empowerment and nutrition outcomes
• To secure participants’ buy in and support around proposed interventions geared towards improving gender empowerment and nutrition outcomes among smallholder dairy households in Nigeria.