While our society has its own fair share of young males engaging in sexist and misogynistic behaviour, there are also remarkable young men who stand up against it – one of them is Mohammed Bello whom Teen Africa chooses to fix its spotlight upon, today.
A gender justice and social inclusion champion, Mohammed believes that
a general lack of knowledge of what gender equality truly means, or fear that it amounts to a chip off their masculinity is the reason why more young men are not keenly and publicly identifying with the cause.
A youth activist and socioeconomic researcher, Mohammed considers evidence based research as one of the strategic ways through which the lot of women and girls can be Improved.
Founder of the African Centre for Innovative Research & Development (AFRI – CIRD) in Kano State , Mohammed has made immense research contributions promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Politics, Policies, Institutions, as well as their uptake and effectiveness for actually influencing policy.
A role model for younger aspiring male youths in his community, Mohammed invests time brainstorming best ways of entrenching gender equality and the economic empowerment of women and girls for a better society.
It is with a profound sense of pride that Teen Africa applauds your kind efforts towards improving the lot of women and girls in Nigeria.
And so we say, Me daa si! Which means “thank you” in the Twi language of Ghana.
You make our world a better place to be!